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Veterinary disinfectant cleaners are mainly divided into two categories: chemical disinfectants and biological disinfectants. Chemical disinfectants are the most commonly used disinfectants in large-scale farming operations. Disinfectant solutions can be classified into high, medium, and low efficiency based on their disinfectant abilities.

1. Concentration and application time of disinfectant solutions

Generally, disinfection should be performed according to the dilution concentration and application time specified in the instructions approved by the Ministry of Agriculture, and the dilution ratio should not be increased randomly.

2. The types and quantities of microorganisms affect the disinfection efficacy of livestock disinfectants

Different microorganisms have different resistances to disinfectants, and the number of microorganisms also affects the disinfection solution results. The type and quantity of microorganisms in the environment should be considered before disinfection. Generally, the resistance of microorganisms in the environment is strong to weak: spores>non-enveloped viruses>enveloped viruses>bacteria. Suitable disinfectant solutions or disinfectant solution combinations should be selected based on the microorganism situation in the farm.

3. The effect of environmental temperature on the efficacy of livestock disinfectants

Generally, the higher the temperature, the better the disinfection effect. When using farm animal disinfectant in the winter with low temperature, the temperature should be increased by 2℃-3℃ as much as possible to enhance the disinfection effect and reduce stress on animals caused by disinfection.

4. The effect of environmental humidity on the efficacy of livestock disinfectants

Both high and low humidity can affect the disinfection effect. After flushing the livestock and poultry house with water, do not fumigate immediately. Wait for a period of time until there is no obvious standing water on the ground but it is still wet before carrying out disinfection. When using formaldehyde or peroxyacetic acid gas fumigation for disinfection, a relative humidity of 60%-80% is appropriate.

5. The effect of environmental pH on the efficacy of livestock disinfectants

The change in pH seriously affects the effect of disinfectant solutions. For example, under acidic conditions, disinfectants containing chlorine and iodine and aldehyde disinfectants have enhanced disinfection effects. Under alkaline conditions, cationic disinfectants such as Heart, fire alkali, and quicklime have enhanced disinfection effects.

6. The effect of organic matter on the efficacy of disinfectant solutions

Common organic matter in livestock and poultry houses, such as urine, feces, feed residue, and feathers, have physical blocking and protein-protection effects on microorganisms. Therefore, mechanical cleaning (physical disinfection, which can remove more than 70% of microorganisms in the environment) should be carried out before disinfection. After rinsing with water and drying, animal facility disinfectant can be used; otherwise, the disinfection effect will be affected.

7. The particle size of disinfectant solutions during air disinfection

Professional sprayers should be used to spray disinfectant solutions into the air as small particles, forming an aerosol of disinfectants, which can improve the air disinfection effect. It is recommended to control the droplet size between 20-30µm, which can improve the air disinfection effect without irritating the respiratory tract of the animals.

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